Here is the BRGL golf course and weekly tee-time scheduling process:
Our BRGL League VP schedules each course in January and estimates the number of tee times we'll need based on the previous year’s activity and membership.

Once we begin the season, the BRGL North and South League Schedulers take over the weekly scheduling.  A week prior to each round, the League Schedulers call the courses and give them the current number of players tee times required based on the yes/no sheet, and any member's emails that they received that week.

Our League Schedulers then wait to see if they get any additions and cancellations.  They send a revision to the course on Sunday with hopes that will be the final revision required to send the course.  If unforeseen things come up, that forces them to send another revision on Tuesday to the course (the day before the round).  Our League Schedulers and weekly Starters work together with the courses to limit the number of last-minute cancellations and no-shows.  The courses hold spaces for us that could be sold to the general public.  If we start shoving last minute cancellations at them on a regular basis, we may have courses not keeping us for the following year and/or charging our league weekly for those no-show members greens fees.

There is an unwritten BRGL consideration for 1 last-minute cancellation or no-show for the season without an acceptable reason.  Weather is not considered an acceptable reason, as spring golf in Seattle being what it is.  The League Scheduler and weekly Starters hope that a member's weather participation decision is made prior to the Sunday revision sent to the course.  Last-minute changes make it harder for our League Schedulers, the weekly Starters, and the courses because of the shuffling of groups playing that is required.

Boeing Retirees Golf League
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